Catch up sewing update???
The picture above was taken almost two weeks ago , something along the lines of loving the postie with brown envelopes and the blue sticker bearing par avion or Airmail usually indicates goodies.And no exception this time.More poignant as the Patrones magazine and Vogue Miyake pattern landed with a wishwashyesque Interweave Knits and worse , more ghastly( not really) professional titles.
Thank you very much Marita &Sue.
Well mandatory medical journals added to the almost tottering pile meant catch up in the real world beckoned.
Have done a fair amount of sewing over the winter , mainly basics and replacements.
Dodgy Internet access and a dressmaker dummy recovering( or not) from a botched nip and tuck and the lack of time to post drivel......................Brown/pink plaid bias skirt with back fishtail .Pattern OOP McCalls
BWOF 10/2006 jacket
Sunny sunny day in London , but wool boucle coat needs to be finished
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